Why do you have to be so pessimistic and brutally honest? Why do all skin doctors have to be so negative? And this isn't the first time too. A few others have either commented the same thing or even worse, that I can't do much to improve anything. I come to you with hopes of medical help and you throw it out the door. It's like an oncologist telling you that your cancer was incurable so you should just curl up and die within 3 months. Even if things seem so bleak or even terminal, I think as a doctor, it is your responsibility to try as many alternatives before telling the patient to throw in the towel. Ok, forget I said that, you should NEVER tell your patient to throw in the towel, but keep searching and trying until you can possibly find something that can help. Even terminal cancer patients can recover and live on, why have to be so negative about pimple scars? Ok, my case might not be as terminal as someone suffering ffrom cancer, but this matters A LOT to me. Even if you don't wanna raise my expectations and risk being called
Nevertheless, I'm going to give him a chance. He told me to follow up within a month so that's what I'll do. He hasn't prescribed any oral medication yet, but I guess this would depend on the results in a month's time. I told him I've had this problem since I was a teenager, and he concluded that my problem stems from hormonal issues, which I've always suspected. Sometimes, I feel that the doctors might be beating around the bush. If my problem stems from internal hormonal issues, why not give me something that will help me from within? Could it be that the oral medication might have some side effects? I don't know. All I know is I have to trust what he's doing. I can always move on if what he's doing isn't helping. Hope something works.
Try completely refrain from eating anything with cocoa in it for a month or two - that includes chocolate cake/ice cream/biscuits, milo, ovaltine.... Seeing that you are a chocolate fanatic, it could very well be the contributing factor to your acne problem. Don't listen to experts telling you it's a myth. Chocolate does cause acne outbreak to some people. Trust me. You will thank me for it. It's not too much to ask if you can have a acne free complexion, is it?
I rarely each normal chocolate bars, just use 100% cocoa powder in it. However, that is sound advice, no harm trying =)
When you mentioned about oral medication, it does have its own side effect, even for me myself who is not known to have any allergy reaction to medication. I took tetracycline before and when I did, my body temperature shoot up sky high until I felt so feverish. At first, I thought it was a normal fever but my eyes turn reddish and teary. However, I was a perfect picture of health when I stopped the medication.
And it only happened whenever I consumed the medication. So, I suspected that tetracycline was the main culprit so I stop taking the antibiotic altogether and only took it when I need MC. Hahaha...
Yours + Isaac Rizard
LOL, good one XD
hi there! i used to suffer semi-severe acne during my teen, and i used a lot of products, all i can say is try using proactiv, or if u wanna go natural with no chemicals, then try using apple cider vinegar. i try acv and well, it does work but it doesn't get rid of the scar. oh, but if u have sensitiv skin, then i suggest u try proactiv.
good luck
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