Saturday, January 23, 2010

So Bored

Bored, bored, bored, I am so boreddddd *in Bad Romance melody*

I'm not sure why I feel so bloody bored in Penang lately. Maybe I miss the hustle and bustle of the city. Maybe I've been in Penang for far too long. Maybe it's the same old stuff whenever I go out. Maybe I'm just bored of Penang. Maybe I need to meet new people. Maybe it's all of the above, I dunno. Maybe I need a new hobby, or someone something totally new to do. Oh wait, time to bust out my new oven XD

On the other hand, I'll be heading to KL again this coming weekend (29th Jan to 1st Feb). Planning to have a blogger's meet in KL (you know who you are) and hopefully it happens.

Someone, please cure me from acute boringitis T.T

PS: 'You-know-who-you-are's, pls invite more people ya ^^

PPS: I will most likely be in MP this coming Sat.


C'est la vie said...

@_@~ Your "You-know-who-you-are-SSSS" seems like pointing to ANYONE and EVERYONE. NO? LOL.

Mark said...

Haha, I got in contact with the you-know-whos in FB d. So they do know who they are XD

C'est la vie said...

......... I wasn't in the list...... -_-" OK!

Mark said...

LOL, you weren't coz I've met you mah. I'm asking the bloggers I haven't met before only.

You wanna join me at MP this Sat? =P